

Page history last edited by Alan Unsworth 7 years, 6 months ago
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The Latter Day Saint Movement

Cataloging the individuals, groups, & denominations related to the prophetic calling of Joseph Smith


This site is not intended to be a comprehensive information resource on the Latter Day Saint Movement, but rather a supplement to information found online and in publications such as Steven L. Shields' Divergent Paths of the Restoration.


Due to the rapid rate of change and schism within the Latter Day Saint Movement, it is hoped that this site will provide the flexibility necessary to keep up with these changes. If you would like to include or edit information within an entry on this site, please send a message letting me know what changes you would like to make.


Comments (1)

Richard Holmes said

at 6:12 pm on Nov 27, 2018

Does anyone know the history of this church: Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship http://cjccf.org/

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